2014 spring courses

Core Requirements
CINE 101 - World Film History to 1945
crosslisted as ARTH 108 | COML 123 | ENGL 091

601 | T 4:30-7:30pm | ANNS 111
CINE 102 - World Film History, 1945-present
crosslisted as ARTH 009 | COML 124 | ENGL 092

401 | TR 9-10:30am | FBH 401
CINE 103 - Intro to Film Theory
crosslisted as ARTH 107 | COML 116 | ENGL 095

401 | TR 10:30am-12pm | FBH 401
CINE 061 - Video I
crosslisted as FNAR 061

401 | M 10am-1pm | ADDM 207
402 | W 10am-1pm | ADDM 207
403 | T 4:30-7:30pm | ADDM 207
404 | R 1:30-4:30pm | ADDM 207
405 | W 2-5pm | ADDM 207
CINE 062 - Video II
crosslisted as FNAR 062

401 | W 5-8pm | ADDM 207
402 | T 1:30-4:30pm | ADDM 207
CINE 066 - Sound Seminar: Sonic Measures
crosslisted as FNAR 066

401 | R 10am-1pm | ADDM 207
FNAR 070 - Film Sound: History, Aesthetics and Subversion
CINE 074 - Contemporary American Literature & Film
crosslisted as ENGL 074

401 | MW 2-3:30pm | FBH 244
CINE 075 - Image and Sound Editing
crosslisted as FNAR 075

401 | M 5-8pm | ADDM 207
CINE 100 - Jane Austen and Adaptation
crosslisted as ENGL 101 | GSWS 101

401 | MW 10-11am (plus REC) | FBH 401
CINE 116 - Screenwriting Workshop
crosslisted as ENGL 401

401 | M 2-5pm | LRSM 112B
402 | T 4:30-7:30pm | FBH 141
403 | R 4:30-7:30pm | FBH 25
CINE 118 - Iranian Cinema: Gender, Politics, Religion
crosslisted as COML 120 | GSWS 118 | NELC 118

401 | TR 10:30am-12pm | COLL 318
CINE 125 - Adultery Novel
crosslisted as COML 127 | GSWS 125 | RUSS 125

601 | T 5:30-8:30pm | FBH 322
CINE 130 - Advanced Screenwriting
401 | W 2-5pm | WILL 315
CINE 159 - First Israeli Writers
crosslisted as COML 282 | ENGL 079 | JWST 102 | NELC | 159

401 | TR 1:30-3pm | COLL 318
CINE 165 - Russian and East European Films
crosslisted as RUSS 165 | SLAV 165

401 | MW 2-3:30pm | FBH 138
CINE 202 - World Cinema
crosslisted as ENGL 292

001 | TR 1:30-3pm | FBH 201met
CINE 205 - Topics in Chinese Cinema
crosslisted as EALC 225

401 | W 5-8pm | FBH 322
CINE 206 - Italian History on Screen
crosslisted as ITAL 204

401 | MW 3-4:30pm | FBH 244
CINE 220 - 20th Century Chinese Literature & Film
crosslisted as EALC 125

401 | MW 1-2pm (plus REC) | ANNS 111
CINE 223 - Post War Japanese Cinema
crosslisted as ARTH 290

401 | TR 10:30am-12pm | JAFFE B17
CINE 240 - Blood, Sweat & Pasta
crosslisted as ITAL 288

001 | TR 3-4:30pm | HARR M20
CINE 240 - Blood, Sweat & Pasta
crosslisted as ITAL 288

402 | TR 3-4:30pm | WILL 219
CINE 252 - The Camino de Santiago in Literature and Film
crosslisted as COML 229 | DTCH 230 | GRMN 230

401 | TR 10:30-12pm | TOWN 319
CINE 275 - Russian History in Film
crosslisted as RUSS 275

401 | MW 3:30-5pm | WILL 1
CINE 279 - Jewish Film and Literature
crosslisted as COML 265 | ENGL 279 | GRMN 261 | JWST | 261

401 | TR 12-1:30pm | WILL 214
CINE 289 - Mixed Media Animation
crosslisted as FNAR 289

401 | MW 9am-12pm | ADDM 106
CINE 292 - The Coen Brothers and Their Influences
crosslisted as ENGL 292

402 | MW 3:30-5pm | FBH 231
CINE 292 - Woody Allen
crosslisted as COML 292 | ENGL 292

601 | W 5-8pm | FBH 244
CINE 350 - The Avant-Garde Film
crosslisted as AFRC 349 | ARTH 301 | COML 351 | ENGL | 295

401 | W 4:30-7:30pm | TOWN 319
CINE 352 - The Devil’s Pact
crosslisted as COML 241 | GRMN 256 | RELS 236 | RUSS | 188

401 | TR 1:30-3pm | COHN 402
CINE 353 - Advanced Projects in Animation
crosslisted as FNAR 353

401 | F 12-4pm | ADDM 106
CINE 382 - Children of the Night
crosslisted as FREN 382

401 | M 2-3:30pm (plus REC) | WILL 25
CINE 386 - Paris in Film
crosslisted as FREN 386

401 | M 3:30-5pm (plus REC) | WILL 25
CINE 387 - The Holocaust in Italian Literature & Film
crosslisted as COML 384 | ITAL 384

401 | R 3-6pm | WILL 27
CINE 388 - Introduction to Spanish Cinema
crosslisted as SPAN 388

401 | M 2-3:30pm (plus REC) | CHEM 514
CINE 392 - Cinema and Psychoanalysis
crosslisted as ENGL 392

402 | TR 3-4:30pm | FBH 141
CINE 392 - Contemporary European Cinema
crosslisted as ENGL 392

401 | TR 12-1:30pm | FBH 141
CINE 430 - Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict in Film
crosslisted as RUSS 430

601 | M 5:30-8:30pm | WILL 301
Graduate Courses
CINE 500 - Copyright and Culture
crosslisted as ENGL 466

640 | R 5-8pm | COHN 203
CINE 500 - Landmarks in Spanish and Latin American Cinema
crosslisted as SPAN 528

641 | M 5-8pm | WILL 5
CINE 502 - Film: The Creative Process
641 | T 4:30-7:10pm | FBH 231
CINE 502 - That 70s Movie
crosslisted as AFRC 573 | ARTH 574 | GSWS 574

640 | R 5-8pm | VANP FLMCR
CINE 505 - Internet Policy and the Online Video Revolution
crosslisted as ENGL 505

401 | R 12-3pm | FBH 20
CINE 530 - Black Cinemas, Methods, and Issues
crosslisted as AFRC 526 | ARTH 503 | COML 529 | ENGL | 570

401 | M 5-8pm | FBH 224
ITAL 687 - Pasolini and Calvino
301 | T 4:30-6:30pm | WILL 843
CINE 793 - War and Film
crosslisted as ARTH 793 | ENGL 797 | GSWS 793

401 | M 2-5pm | JAFFE 104