
Upcoming Events

Screening | Honeyland

Sep 18, 2024 @ -

Past Events

Screening | Origin

Aug 28, 2024 @ -

Screening | My Thoughts Are Silent

Apr 30, 2024 @ -

Screening | The Coddling of the American Mind

Apr 30, 2024 @ -

Screening | An Almost Ordinary Summer

Apr 24, 2024 @ -

Screening | Capitães de Abril

Apr 23, 2024 @ -

Screening | Robot Dreams

Apr 18, 2024 @ -

Screening | Fruit of Paradise

Apr 16, 2024 @ -

Screening | Taking Root

Apr 10, 2024 @ -

Screening & Discussion | A New Peace of Münster

Apr 9, 2024 @ -