This seminar offers an introduction to Spanish and Latin American cinema. Focusing on key shorts and feature-length films from the late 19th century to the present, each session will be dedicated to discussing the technical, thematic, and artistic elements that made the selected work a landmark in Spanish and Latin American cinema. The readings, lectures, and class discussions will help students contextualize these films, illustrating how each work emerged from a specific cultural, political, and artistic moment. We will examine the way cinema promoted and contested notions of Spanish and Latin American nationalism while learning about major movements and developments such as “Cinema Novo” from Brazil, “Imperfect Cinema” from Cuba, “New Latin American Cinema” from Argentina, and “Neo-realism” and “Movida” cinema from Spain. There is no language requirement for this course. This seminar is taught in English. All readings will be in English and all required screenings will be available with English subtitles.
Courses > 2014 Spring
Graduate Courses
641 | M 5-8pm | WILL 5
Graduate Courses
CINE 500 - Landmarks in Spanish and Latin American Cinema
SPAN 528641 | M 5-8pm | WILL 5