This course will introduce you to the psychoanalytic study of cinema and other media, with a special focus on surveillance. Likely films for study will include Hitchcock’s Rear Window (1954), Powell's Peeping Tom (1960), Antonioni's Blow Up (1966), Coppola’s The Conversation (1974), Scott’sEnemy of the State (1998), Wan’s Saw (2004), Haneke’s Caché (2005), Oremland's Surveillance 24/7 (2008), with additional media from Rebecca Baron, Hanun Farocki, Safaa Fathy, and the state's mass surveillance apparati. Readings will include foundational psychoanalytic writings by Freud, Klein, Jung, Lacan, and others, and psychoanalytic film criticism and theory by Copjec, Doane, Metz, Mulvey, Silverman, Zizek, and others. Advance viewing of the films is required; they will be placed on reserve and also available for purchase just like the required books. Requirements include one short close-reading essay, an in- class presentation, and a longer final research essay.
Courses > 2014 Spring
402 | TR 3-4:30pm | FBH 141
CINE 392 - Cinema and Psychoanalysis
ENGL 392402 | TR 3-4:30pm | FBH 141