Courses > 2020 Spring



ENGL 116
401 | SEM | Kathy DeMarco Van Cleve | M 2-5pm | FBH 322
402 | SEM | Scott Burkhardt | W 2-5pm | MEYH B5
403 | SEM | Scott Burkhardt | W 6-9pm | MEYH B6

This is a workshop-style course for those who have thought they had a terrific idea for a movie but didn't know where to begin. The class will focus on learning the basic tenets of classical dramatic structure and how this (ideally) will serve as the backbone for the screenplay of the aforementioned terrific idea. Each student should, by the end of the semester, have at least thirty pages of a screenplay completed. Classic and not-so-classic screenplays will be required reading for every class, and students will also become acquainted with how the business of selling and producing one's screenplay actually happens.

Students will be admitted on the basis of an application by email briefly describing their interest in the course to the instructor: Kathy DeMarco Van Cleve or Scott Burkhardt.