David Novack

David Novack’s work includes: producing/directing Burning the Future: Coal in America (PBS, Sundance Channel, International Documentary Association’s Pare Lorentz Award for Social Filmmaking, First Place Society of Environmental Journalists, UK Clarion Award, US State Department’s American Documentary Showcase, and many top festival prizes); producing Kimjongilia (Sundance Film Festival, Best Human Rights Documentary from Human Rights and Democracy Network); producing/directing Mercury Rising (tracking global youth engagement in climate change – in production); and producing/directing Finding Babel (a cross-genre documentary and art film on the life and work of Russian writer Isaac Babel – in production). David Novack’s work in audio post and sound design includes dozens of projects and major awards for films including Velvet Goldmine, Living Out Loud, Last Days of Disco, Kids, Safe and The Corporation. He also designed, scored, notated and mixed theatrical and album sound effects for Roger Waters’ opera, Ça Ira.