Penn Program in Environmental Studies EcoTime Film Series presents
Screening and Panel Discussion with director Ben Kalina
Shored Up (Ben Kalina, 2013)
Shored Up is a documentary that asks tough questions about our coastal communities and our relationship to the land. What will a rising sea do to our homes, our businesses, and the survival of our communities? Can we afford to pile enough sand on our shores to keep the ocean at bay? In Long Beach Island, New Jersey and the Outer Banks of North Carolina, surfers, politicians, scientists and residents are racing to answer these questions. Beach engineering has been our only approach so far, but is there something else out there to be explored? Our development of the coastlines put us in a tough predicament, and it’s time to start looking for solutions.
Panelists: Anuradhua Mathur (Penn Design), Bianca Charbonneau (Biology), Kevin Burke (Anthropology). Moderated by Simon Richter (Germanics)
Cosponsored by Penn Cinema and Media Studies, Department of Biology, and the Mellon Humanities, Urbanism, and Design Initiative.