
Executive produced by Martin Scorsese, The Blues™ consists of several films that capture the essence of the blues and explore its profound influence on music and people the world over. Originally aired on PBS, the films trace the evolution of the blues from parochial folk tunes to a universal language, each film focusing on a distinct topic from the perspective of seven different directors. Together, the films honor the art form and preserve its legacy in a celebration of its lasting impact. “Our goal never was to produce the definitive work on the blues,” Scorsese said. “It was, from the start, to create highly personal and impressionistic films as seen through the eyes of the most creative directors around with a passion for this music.”

10/26 @ 7 PM
The Road to Memphis
Directed by Richard Pearce

Featuring a discussion with WXPN host Jonny Meister and local Blues musician Georgie Bonds.

Registration is requested, but seating is first come, first served. Click here to register.