
Adalberto Müller

Jean Cocteau, Orson Welles, Pier Paolo Pasolini: An Archeology of Intermediality

German theory of Intermediality (Intermedialität), as developed in the specific field of German language media theory (Medientheorie), may enable an innovative approach to the work of filmmakers who deal simultaneously with cinema, literature, theatre and poetry, such as Cocteau, Welles and Pasolini. As the difficulty to understand the totality of their works, performances and writings lies in the constraints of the disciplinary fields of knowledge - which impose naturally their methods of separation of research objects -, an intermedial archeology (in the Foucauldian sense) would permit to connect different points of the creative process of such artists, in order to understand their aesthetic and ethic practices under the sign of complexity.

Adalberto Müller is an Associate Professor at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Rio de Janeiro, where he teaches Literary Theory and Film Studies. He also taught at Université Lumière Lyon2. Alongside his publications on Literature and Film, Adalberto has published Linhas Imaginárias: poesia, mídia, cinema (Ed. Sulina, 2012) and translated A narrativa cinematográfica/Le récit cinématographique (A. Gaudreault & F. Jost) to Portuguese (Ed. da UnB, 2009) and is a member of the Council of SOCINE (Brazilian Society for Film Studies). He wrote and directed the short Wenceslau e a árvore do gramofone (2008), based on poems by Manoel de Barros. This Spring 2013 he is Visiting Fellow at Yale University.