
In 1967, a group of artists put out a call for "a personal declaration by American filmmakers for life and against the War." Sixty films running under three minutes were eventually compiled and screened as part of The Week of the Angry Arts, a music and arts festival which mobilized the protest movement. This remarkable compilation includes contributions from Manfred Kirkheimer, Stan Vanderbeek, Robert Fiore, Larry Jordan, Rudy Burckhardt, Nina Feinberg, Shirley Clarke, Robert Breer, Ken Jacobs, Jonas Mekas, Michael Snow, and Joyce Wieland.

40 years later in a similar spirit New York Film-makers Cooperative issued an invitation to protest yet another war. The response was overwhelming, bringing together 26 new works from several generations of artists unified by a singular goal of a cinema of peace. Thus was born For Life Against The War... Again with works by Barabra Hammer, Lynne Sachs, Ken Jacobs, Lynn Marie Kirby, Mark Street, Bradley Eros, Bill Morrison, MM Serra, and others.

This is a collaboration among Penn Program in Cinema Studies and the Department of Fine Arts, and International House for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.