Kevin Jerome Everson: Materials, Process, Procedure and Subject
Frequently basing a work on archival or found footage, Kevin Jerome Everson "resurrects the conditions, tasks, and gestures of a vital moment in time by repositioning them in the present through a variety of mediums such as photography, film, sculpture, artist books, and paintings."
Everson's films combine scripted and documentary moments with rich elements of formalism. His most recent films - shot in single eleven-minute takes on 16mm film - use light flares, over exposed film, and distorted sound to render visible the materiality of film stock and videotape.
Join us for this special presentation in which Everson discusses how he creates his works that document and reflect on the "gestures or tasks caused by certain conditions in the lives of working class African Americans." Everson will screen a selection of his recent short films. Films courtesy of the artist and Picture Palace Pictures.
On Wednesday September 21 @ 7pm, Kevin Jerome Everson will intruduce the screening of his movie ERIE at the at the Ibrahim Theater @ International House. Click here for more information.
Presented in partnership with Film at International House, Philadelphia Independent Film & Media Association (PIFVA), and the Film and Media Arts Department at Temple University and the Africana Studies and Cinema Studies at University of Pennsylvania.