
Jean-Michel Frodon's Talk

Mar 16, 2010 @

B-26 Stiteler Hall

Jean-Michel Frodon

Holocaust Cinema: A Case Study of Film Criticism in France Today

Born Jean-Michel Billard, Frodon writes with a borrowed pseudonym from The Lord of the Rings. A journalist and film critic for the weekly periodical Le Point, of which his father, Pierre Billard, also a journalist and a film critic, was one of the founders and chief editors. He took over the same functions at the daily newspaper Le Monde in 1990 and in 1995, he became responsible for the daily film column. In 2003, he became head editor of Cahiers du cinémas four years after its purchase by Le Monde. He is the author of Jean de florette: la folle aventure d'un film, co-written with Jean-Claude Loiseau (editions Herscher, 1987); l'Âge moderne du cinéma français (Flammarion, 1995); la Projection nationale (Éditions Odile Jacob, 1998); Hou Hsiao-hsien (dir., Cahiers du cinéma, 1999, augmented edition en 2005); Conversation avec Woody Allen (Plon, 2000); Print the Legend, Cinéma et journalisme (co-dir., Cahiers du cinéma, 2004); Au sud du cinéma (dir., Cahiers du cinéma, 2004); Horizon cinéma (Cahiers du cinéma, coll XXIe siècle, 2006); Le Cinéma chinois (Cahiers du cinéma CNDP, coll Les Petits Cahiers, 2006).