
New Media and Hispanic Studies

Mar 31, 2007 @



FIRST SESSION - 10:00 to 12:00

Welcoming Remarks
Román de la Campa, Chair Department of Romance Languages, University of Pennsylvania

Michael Solomon, University of Pennsylvania
Media Medieval, New Media, and Hispanic Studies

Justin Crumbaugh, Mount Holyoke College
Are We All (Still) Miguel Angel Blanco? The Vicariousness of Victimhood and the Media Afterlife

Vicente Benet, Universitat Jaume I
Excesos de memoria: la Guerra Civil y las políticas mediáticas

Speakers presented by Sara Nada-Melsió, University of Pennsylvania

SECOND SESSION - 2:00 to 4:00
Peter Decherney, University of Pennsylvania
Media Studies and the "YouNiversity"

Craig Epplin, University of Pennsylvania
Cardboard and New Media: Spaces and Politics of Association in Argentina

Reinaldo Laddaga, University of Pennsylvania
La construcción de una escena. Usos de los medios digitales

Cristina Venega, University of California, Santa Barbara
The Cuban Revolution and the Self in the Age of Digitalia

Speakers presented by Yolanda Martínex-San Miguel, University of Pennsylvania