Romance Languages, Penn
From Ray to Resnais (via Harry Dickson):
Resurrecting a Film that never was
Philippe Met is an Associate Professor of Romance Languages at Penn. French Modern poetry (from Baudelaire to the present) and 19th- and 20th-century fantastic literature (Mérimée, Gautier, Maupassant, Ghelderode, Jean Ray, et al.). He is the author of Formules de la poésie (PUF, 1999), a study of fragmentation processes in the poetry of Francis Ponge, Michel Leiris, René Char and André du Bouchet. He has also published widely on topics ranging from French classicism to the bande dessinée, from genetic criticism to vampires. He was co-editor of a special issue of L'Esprit Créateur (Re-casting Mallarmé, 2000), contributed to the Pléiade edition of Ponge's Collected Works, and is editing a volume of critical essays on the poetry of Du Bouchet (André du Bouchet et ses autres, to be published by Les Lettres Modernes). Current book-length projects include: a comparative study of the subversion of signs in fantastic literature, and an essay on the poetics of the notebook from Rimbaud to contemporary practices (to be published by Rodopi). He is also pursuing a strong interest in film studies, more specifically crime and horror movies.