
The Brothers Quay: A Retrospective in 5 Films

Nov 1, 2006 @


The Epic of Gilgamesh or This Unnameable Little Broom
Stephen and Timothy Quay, UK, 1985, 16mm, color, 16 mins

Street of Crocodiles
Stephen and Timothy Quay, UK, 1986, 35mm, color, 21 mins
In Absentia
Stephen and Timothy Quay, UK, 2000, 35mm, b/w and color, 20 mins
The Phantom Museum
Stephen and Timothy Quay, UK, 2003, video, b/w and color, 20 mins

8:30 pm
Round-table discussion and Q & A
Stephen and Timothy Quay
Alan Singer, Temple University
Heather Love, University of Pennsylvania
Timothy Corrigan, University of Pennsylvania