The Contemporary German Film Scene:
A New Generation's Lust for Everyday Life
Thomas Koebner, a distinguished scholar of modern German literature, theater, and film, taught at the universities of Munich, Cologne, Wuppertal, and Marburg, before he served as the director of the Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie in Berlin (DFFB) in 1989-1992. Since 1993, as professor of Filmwissenschaft, Koebner has built the Department of Film Studies at the University of Mainz into the leading academic program of its kind in Germany, combining training in academic scholarship with film production. Among his numerous publications on film are Idole des deutschen Films, Reclams Film Klassiker, Diesseits der 'Dämonischen Leinwand' and studies about television, techniques of film narratives, Robert Altman, Federico Fellini, and other film directors.