Courses > 2023 Spring



ARTH 2910 | EALC 1116
401 | LEC | Chenshu Zhou | MW 3:30-4:30pm | ANNS 109
402 | REC | STAFF | R 10:15-11:15am | WILL 723
403 | REC | STAFF | R 1:45-2:45pm | FBH 25
404 | REC | STAFF | F 10:15-11:15am | FBH 322
405 | REC | STAFF | F 12-1pm | FBH 322

This survey course introduces students to major trends, genres, directors, and issues in the cinemas of East Asian countries/regions, including Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Charting key developments over more than a hundred years from the early twentieth century to the present, this course examines films as aesthetic objects, asking questions about film form, narrative, and style. It also pays attention to the evolvement of cinema as an institution (e.g. modes of production, circulation, and exhibition) in different cultural and political contexts. Weekly course materials will include both films (primary sources) and analytical readings (secondary sources). By the end of the course, students are expected to gain broad knowledge of East Asian cinema, develop skills of film analysis, and apply these skills to perform historically informed and culturally sensitive analysis of cinema. Prior knowledge of East Asian languages is NOT required.