This course explores important works of literature from the highlands of Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Colombia. Genres covered include the novel, essay, poetry, testimonial, short story, and film. As we progress through the syllabus we will examine how key components of the Latin American experience are manifest in the Andean context. These elements include representations of indigenous people, mestizaje, machismo, women’s roles, the Church, political terrorism, and the struggle for social justice. Among the longer works covered are Matto de Turner’s Aves sin nido, Icaza’s Huasipungo, and Vargas Llosa’s Historia de Mayta.
Courses > 2012 Fall
401 | MWF 12-1pm | WILL 28
CINE 390 - Literature and Film from Andean Region
LALS 396 | SPAN 390401 | MWF 12-1pm | WILL 28