This course will focus on the relations between mass media and literary and filmic discourses in contemporary Spain. We will study the growth of mass culture during the post-dictatorship period in Spain (since 1975) and its relation with a standardization of social languages in the new culture of democracy. The course will examine how filmic and literary discourses have embraced, displaced, or resisted such standardization. Materials will include novels, short stories, documentaries, films, essays, and journal articles by authors such as Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, Javier Marías, Víctor Erice, José Luis Guerín, and Iván Zulueta.
Courses > 2011 Spring
401 | TR 10:30am-12pm | FBH 323
CINE 385 - Spanish Literature and Film in the Age of Mass Media
SPAN 386401 | TR 10:30am-12pm | FBH 323