Nicola Di Nino’s research focuses on Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature, which he approaches from a philological, linguistic, and anthropological perspective. His studies are interdisciplinary and include cultural studies and the visual arts (cinema, theater and opera). He has published several books on Giuseppe Gioachino Belli’s poetry (G.G. Belli poeta-linguista and Glossario dei Sonetti di G. G. Belli, both 2008); a philological edition of an 18th century poem (L’incendio di Tordinona, 2005); and two volumes on the Bible and Italian Literature (La Bibbia nella letteratura italiana. Dall’Illuminismo al Decadentismo and La Bibbia nella letteratura italiana. L’età contemporanea, 2009). He has also published numerous articles from Dante to contemporary Italian authors. Di Nino is in the advisory board of Letteratura e dialetti and Italian Poetry Review. He was the recipient of fellowships ranging from the Italian MIUR and the CNR. Finally, he is currently working on the National Edition of Gabriele D’Annunzio’s Le vergini delle rocce, on Giorgio Baffo, on the character of Armida in 16th century theater, on a movie project of Federico Fellini and Carlo della Corte, and on the relationship between Pier Maria Pasinetti and Michelangelo Antonioni.