82 Names: Syria, Please Don’t Forget Us, followed by a conversation with Naomi Kikoler, the deputy director of the Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum; Mansour Omari, a Syrian human rights activist featured in the film; and Zaina Erhaim, a Syrian journalist and activist.
82 Names: Syria, Please Don't Forget Us is a 48-minute documentary film that traces the journey of Mansour Omari, a survivor of torture and imprisonment in Syria. As Omari seeks to rebuild his life in exile and visits sites in Germany that memorialize the victims of the Holocaust, he reflects on how to bring attention to the brutal regime he escaped—and counter extremist ideology in the future. To connect people with the crisis in Syria, Omari worked with the Museum to create an exhibition about the individuals he knew in prison. 82 Names is a powerful story of how one man risked his life to document atrocity crimes and bring that evidence to the world. 82 Names: Syria, Please Don't Forget Us is a co-production of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and Maziar Bahari.
The event will be on Thursday, December 6, 2018, from 4:30-7:00pm at Perry World House, which is located on 3803 Locust Walk at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Further information and registration for the event, which will be followed by a reception, available here.