The Penn Program in Environmental Humanities is pleased to present EcoTime, a film series that tackles the topic of time in the age of climate change, in conjunction with the Timescales conference.
Matto Grosso, the Great Brazilian Wilderness (1931)
In 1930, E. R. F. Johnson, inventor and former corporate magnate, was asked by his friend and former University of Pennsylvania classmate John S. Clarke and Captain Vladimir Perfilieff to fund a zoological and ethnographic expedition to be undertaken and filmed in the Mato Grosso plateau of Brazil. Matto Grosso (1931) is the result of this joint expedition, which documents the people, animals, and environment of the Brazilian region.
The screening of this documentary will be introduced by Kate Pourshariati (Film Archivist, Penn Museum), and followed by a roundtable discussion on animals and film featuring Penn graduate students and faculty Rosanna Dent, Carolyn Fornoff, Rahul Mukherjee, and Nicole Welk-Joerger. This is part of the Animals in the Archive symposium.