Join us for a special screening of the inspirational film, Margarita, With a Straw, followed by a conversation with the Director, Shonali Bose and co-Director, Nilesh Maniyar. The conversation will explore issues such as engaging the arts for social justice, and successfully bringing independent films to market in an increasingly commercial film-making environment.
Shonali Bose is an internationally acclaimed filmmaker whose work engages with gender, sexuality, social movements and social change. Margarita, With a Straw, a coming-of-age story of a young woman with cerebral palsy, has won several awards in the international film festival circuit, including the Sundance Mahindra Global Filmmaker award for the screenplay. An earlier feature film Amu, garnered huge critical acclaim across the globe, winning numerous awards including two Indian National Awards for Best Film and Best Director. Shonali grew up in Kolkata, Mumbai, and New Delhi, and has spent her adult life in the U.S. She has a Masters degree in Political Science from Columbia University and an MFA in Directing from the UCLA Film School.