Wolf 2016 Conference | Circulation
In what ways can we think of media as circulatory systems? Circulation could be an important modality to conceptualize media as digital devices condition us to experience media as environment, minerals and metals in “nature” get embedded in media objects, and environmental effects of storing digital data become part of topical conversations. Media help circulate information, gossip, and entertainment, and are key to formation of networks, assemblages, and publics. The conference thinks through concepts that empirically engage with distribution systems, speculative algorithms, and affective platforms, which create new affordances for producers and consumers of media. As media objects proliferate and their intermedial relations emerge, the material properties of the environmental milieu come to matter: media scholars get called upon to re-theorize interfaces and platforms when considering wet media as opposed to dry media. Circulation also stresses interactions between human and non-human actors and this conference spotlights empirical and philosophical debates around materialism, media ecology, and media archaeology.
Friday, April 15
4-4:15pm | Opening Remarks | Rahul Mukherjee (University of Pennsylvania), Conference Organizer
4:15-5:30pm | Opening Keynote | Introduced by Lisa Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania)
Ravi Sundaram (SARAI, CSDS) | Post-Public Media ecologies: Circulation in Command?
5:30-6:30pm | Reception
Saturday, April 16
10-10:30am | Breakfast
10:30-11:30am | PUBLICS | Moderator: Guobin Yang (University of Pennsylvania)
Paula Chakravartty (New York University) | Infrastructures of Empire: Publics and Perpetual War
Adeline Koh (Stockton University) | All The Feels: Whiteness and The Circulation of Affect in Digital Public Discourses
11:30am-12:30pm | PLATFORMS | Moderator: Karen Beckman (University of Pennsylvania)
Marc Steinberg (Concordia University) | Mobile Ecosystems and Business Platforms
Jinying Li (University of Pittsburg) | Platform, Property and Ownership: The Rise of IP Cinema in China
12:30-2pm | Lunch
2-3:30pm | ELEMENTAL/ENVIROMENTAL MEDIA | Moderator: Timothy Corrigan (University of Pennsylvania)
Melody Jue (UC, Santa Barbara) | "Mother Earth, Her Whales": Towards an anti-normative theory of elemental media
Nicole Starosielski (New York University)| Thermocultures
Mél Hogan (Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago) | The New Farmers: Big Tech’s Greening of its Data Centers
3:30-4pm | Coffee Break
4-5:15pm | Closing Keynote | Introduced by Bethany Wiggin (University of Pennsylvania)
Stacy Alaimo (University of Texas, Arlington) | Composition as Circulation: Abyssal Media and Marine Ecology
5:15-5:30pm | Closing Remarks | Peter Decherney (University of Pennsylvania)