
Oma & Bella is an intimate glimpse into the world of Regina Karolinski (Oma) and Bella Katz, two friends who live together in Berlin. Having survived the Holocaust and then stayed in Germany after the war, it is the food they cook together that they remember their childhoods, maintain a bond to each other and answer questions of heritage, memory and identity. As the film follows them through their daily lives, a portrait emerges of two women with a light sense of humor, vivid stories, and a deep fondness for good food. Created by Oma's granddaughter Alexa, the film captures their ongoing struggle to retain a part of their past while remaining very much engaged in the present.

Q&A with Alexa Karolinski

This event is made possible thanks to the support of the Cinema Studies Program, the Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies Program,
the Gemanic Languages and Literatures Department, and the Jewish Studies Program at the University of Pennsylvania,
and the Feinstein Center for American Jewish History at Temple University.