Network Neutrality: The Real Story
No communications policy issue has generated more attention in recent years than network neutrality, the idea that broadband network operators should not discriminate in their treatment of Internet content or services. Yet few have produced as much confusion. With President Obama and his FCC Chairman expressing strong support for network neutrality, why has the issue fallen into a morass of uncertainty? How is the debate likely to play out over the coming months? And what's really at stake here? How is the outcome of the current controversy likely to shape the future of the Internet?
Kevin Werbach, Associate Professor of Legal Studies at Wharton, co-led the review of the FCC for the Obama-Biden Transition Project, and has served as an expert advisor to both the FCC and National Telecommunications & Information Administration in the Obama Administration, as well as FCC Counsel for New Technology Policy in the Clinton Administration.
RSVP to Peter Decherney <decherney@sas.upenn.edu>
Co-sponsored by the Wharton Interactive Media Initiative