Thinking Queer is proud to present its inaugural event, the East Coast debut of Criminal Queers, directed by Eric Stanley and Chris Vargas. The long awaited sequel to Homotopia, their underground queer film sensation, Criminal Queers visualizes a radical trans/queer struggle against the prison industrial complex and toward a world without walls.
The event will begin with a short lecture, followed by a screening of the film and conclude with a facilitated Q&A discussion with the directors.
Presented by Re:Thinking Queer, a new undergraduate lecture series at Penn aiming to heighten the level of critical discourse surrounding queer/trans identity and current sociopolitical issues.
Sponsored by SPEC Fully Planned and Connaissance, Cinema Studies, Penn Humanities Forum, Gender, Society, and Culture, Center for Bioethics Project on Sexuality and Gender Identity, Women's Center, Center for Africana Studies, English Department, School of Social Policy and Practice, Comparative Literature, Urban Studies, Anthropology, Harrison College House at the University of Pennsylvania.