Dick Wolf Cinema & Media Studies Awards 2018-19

 Our happy congratulations to the winners!

Jacob Barnes, C'19 | Nicholas Joyner, C'19 | Best Honors Thesis

Alexandra Johnson, C'19 | Trang Luu, C'19 | Best Essay

Morgan Herrmann, E'20 | Christopher Powell, E'19 | Best Screenwriting

Nathan Emery, W'19 | Avneet Randhawa, C’21
| Undergrad Student Activity 

Joseph Coppola, Grad Student in ENGL and CIMS | Eleni Palis, Grad Student in ENGL and CIMS | Graduate Student Service

Award Ceremony on Thursday, May 2, 2019 @ 2-3:30pm in the Undergraduate Lounge (Room 223) Fisher-Bennett Hall.