On March 8-9, 2012, the first part of a two-part Animation conference took place at Humboldt University (Berlin): "Enchanted Drawing: Animation as Imaging Culture," co-organized by Erna Fiorentini (Humboldt), Karen Beckman (Penn) and Oliver Gaycken (U of Maryland).
Part 2 will take place at Penn on September 21-22, 2012 (save the date!), and will feature speakers such as Tom Gunning (U Chicago), Scott Bukatman (Stanford), Nonny de la Peña (an Immersive Journalist at USC) and Peggy Weil (http://www.lnkall.com/bio.html), Melissa Rangona, Scott Curtis (Northwestern), Janet Iwasa (Harvard Medical School), Alexander Galloway (NYU), and others. Keynote speaker for Philadelphia conference: Vivian Sobchack.
Here is a half page article on the animation conference Karen Beckman is co-organizing that just appeared in today's Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. It mentioned Penn and our September conference.