Timothy Corrigan, Ira H. Abrams Memorial Award for Distinguished Teaching

Timothy Corrigan

It gives us great pleasure to announce that our very Timothy Corrigan is the recipient of the 2014 Ira H. Abrams Memorial Award for Distinguished Teaching in the School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania. We applaud his extraordinary commitment to the education of our students.


This year’s recipient of SAS’s highest teaching honor is Timothy Corrigan, Professor of English and Cinema Studies. Created in 1983, the Ira H. Abrams Award recognizes teaching that is intellectually challenging and ex ceptionally coher ent and honors faculty who embody high standards of integerty and fairness, have a strong commitment to learning and are open to new ideas.

Dr. Corrigan, who was the founding director of Penn's Cinema Studies Program, engages both students and teachers alike in the intellectual rigors of film analysis as a means of critical and theoretical inquiry. According to one of his faculty colleagues, his "lectures feel like small discussions, and seminars like intense laboratories for collaborative learning." Noting the importance of his pedagogical publications to extend the impact of his teaching beyond Penn, another colleague notes, "Tim’s textbooks on writing about, analyzing and theorizing film and literature ... manage to make sophisticated approaches to film analysis and theory accessible and relevant to students in their first film classes."

Timothy Corrigan will be honored at a School-wide reception on Thursday, May 1 at 4:00 p.m. in 200 College Hall.

School of Arts & Sciences Teaching Awards : http://www.upenn.edu/almanac/volumes/v60/n31/pdf/042214.pdf