Courses > 2022 Spring



NELC 159 | COML 282 | JWST 154
401 | LEC | Nili Gold | W 10:15an-1:15pm | EDUC 121

While we may think of Israel as monolithic, its culture represents a multiplicity of voices. What began in Israel’s early decades as an attempt to create a single canonic, Zionist narrative exploded into many voices in the 1980s with the pluralistic climate inspired by Postmodernism. This is when poets like Yona Wallach, a precursor of modern LGBTQ+ writers, came to prominence. In the 21st century, with online publication becoming easier, the multitude of Israeli literary expression is overflowing. Beginning with contemporary works, this course will examine voices that have been less heard in Israeli poetry, prose, and film, such as women, Arab or Mizrachi writers, Holocaust survivors, and LGBTQ+ artists.

Fulfills Cross Cultural Analysis and Arts and Letters.