The social and political imaginaries of Francoist Spain created a singular instance of dislocation in the Catalan filmic avant-garde of the 1960s and 1970. This course proposes an examination of the political, historical, and aesthetic conjunctures that allowed the emergence and survival of an often clandestine experimentalism. The commitment to avant-garde practices, emerging an established tradition in the Catalan context, pushed the envelope of political possibility by establishing an elective affinity and an effective transfer between the political and the aesthetic. By addressing this productive double enunciation through a transnational lens, this course hopes to throw new light both on European peripheral cinematic avant-gardes and on the historicization of political dissent in Francoist Spain. The course is taught in Spanish.
Courses > 2010 Spring
402 | TR 1:30-3pm | WILL 28
CINE 385 - The (In)Visible Tradition: Avant-Garde and Clandestine Cinema in Catalunya
SPAN 386402 | TR 1:30-3pm | WILL 28