This course focuses upon Alfred Hitchcock, one of the greatest filmmakers of the 20th century, and will explore his films and authorship, from his early British works to his late Hollywood films. Spanning over half a century, Hitchcock’s films also participated in social and political history—bridging two world wars—and significantly contributed to the development of cinema, from silent film to sound, from black and white to color, from expressionism to classical Hollywood cinema; from the challenges of censorship and the introduction of the studio system to the concept of the director as auteur. With these formal and historical considerations, we will examine how Hitchcock realizes the artistic and commercial possibilities of film, attracting critical as well as popular audiences. We will also explore how Hitchcock engages with scholarly film critics, particularly in the development of formalist, psychoanalytic, and feminist film theory and criticism. Screenings are likely to include The Lodger, Blackmail, The Wrong Man, Rebecca, Strangers on a Train, Notorious, Vertigo, Rear Window, North by Northwest, Marnie, Psycho, The Birds.
Courses > 2008 Fall
601 | T 5:30-8:30pm
CINE 115 - Alfred Hitchcock
ENGL 292601 | T 5:30-8:30pm